Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nothing to fear - Blow hards just blow

Not long ago I did a blog post on my automotive marketing blog about how a company chose to advertise a training program called "The Masters of eMarketing". I am not going to get into the details of the post here. If you want to know more just click the title of the training program.

The response I received from Jim Ziegler and his attorneys would of scared the heck out of most people. To me I found it comical. One of the attorneys who signed this letter, Richard N. Sox, and Mr Ziegler write for the same publication, Dealer Magazine. I guess they were trying to flex their power by sending me that letter as "Recognized Automotive Authorities" and assumed I would buckle.

When it came to light that Jim Ziegler threated to sue me I got a tremendous amount of support from the Automotive Community and had people reach out to me that would surprise most. What is funny it appeared that sock puppets were employed to try to denigrate me at every possible step. One called me and apologized, a friendship may have even developed, and another can't seem to move on and a friendship ended.

At the end of the day I think the threats they sent me were hollow and unfounded, the interference that people are still trying to cause is backfiring and damaging their reputation, and I have dealers coming out of the wood work to throw me business. As my good friend at Suzuki of Wichita says, these people just don't get it!

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