Tuesday, September 16, 2008

People Love my Content

Maybe love is the wrong word.  They just love to follow it around.  I have recently started converting landing pages that I used as an Internet Sales Manager over to affiliate marketing landers.  My former employer did not pay me to create them so I did not turn them over to them, even though it was in my exit plan.

I had given my notice because of the undue pressure I was receiving over a blog post about an Automotive Internet Sales Training Program and was asked to leave the next day.  I had planned to turn these pages to my replacement to help him, in addition to other things like change the phone numbers on the Google directory listings.

Apparently someone is really worried about content I publish.  The pages are not finished that I was converting and some of them still encourage people to contact the dealership and I will be adding links to their website eventually to the ones that are pushing lead affiliate programs. 

This is what is funny though.  People take the time to email links to these landing pages like it is a subversive operation.  What is amazing one of the one of the pages that I just converted that talks about saving money at Carl Gregory Hyundai has gotten traffic from some very unlikely sources.  Plus I have done nothing wrong.  If they don't like it they can buy them from me or hire someone to beat me in the SERPS.  Guess they just like to show what they "discovered".  I am not positive and it is pure speculation but I am sure it all stemmed from a page about Special Auto Financing in Tulsa.


I received and email about the page in question and check the stats.  It was amazing what I found.  A page that rearely get over 50 hits a month got over 30 hits yesterday.

I guess you can deduce the origination of all this traffic.  One person emailed it to someone at ADM and they in turn emailed it to someone who works for Carl Gregory Cars.  I thought sleeping dogs were supposed to lie.  Guess you can't take some peoples word in the Automotive Digital Marketing arena or they just never had any intention on keeping it anyway.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Trying to Acheive "Giant Squid" Status

Squidoo.com has a club so to speak, called "Giant Squids".  I am trying to enter the club.  I have over 60 lenses made at there but some are probably as not as good as they should be so I am working on improving them and moving some of my other out of "works in progress".

The subjects I know most about are Paul Rushing, car buying and selling, and search engine reputation management.  So I will be concentrating my efforts there on achieving Giant Squid status.  I am going to try my best to attend their campfire meeting on Tuesday if my schedule allows me to.

If you do not have an account at Squidoo.com you can join here.  There are a lot of good uses of the platform there.  From marketing your business to helping your favorite charity.  The best thing to do is if you are not sure is to jump in and create an account.