There is a lot of information about you online whether you like it or not. I did an article about it after becoming a victim of Identity Theft. While that does not have to do much with SERM it is important for you to understand in today's online world, people are talking about you and putting information out there for the world to see regardless of your input.
The best way to keep your online reputation in tact is for you to control the content that is published about you online. While there is not much you can do about what others are saying there is a ton that you can do to own your name online.
When you google my name, Paul Rushing, the top listing is Who is Paul Rushing, my other personal blog and then there are several pieces of content about other people named Paul Rushing. Which is all good.
However there are other bloggers who are intent on trying to trash me because I have been vocal about the launch of the PayPerPlay Network and the NetAudioAds advertising platform being an aberration and have taken a vendetta march against my Search Engine Reputation. It will be in vain because no matter how much they try to destroy my reputation in the Search Engines it will be in vain because I will control what others find about me online.
While I will not respond to personal attacks, because it pushes their content above mine because of the recently updated content and to be quite frank it really does not matter what they think about me it is their opinion and they are entitled to it.
However I need to control what is easily found online about me. Here are some tools I am using that will eventually control the front page of google and other search engines when people search for Paul Rushing.
- My Personal Blog - Who is Paul Rushing
- Ziki - Promoting Paul Rushing on Ziki
- Blogger - This blog is a Good Example
- Squidoo - Paul Rushing on Squidwho
- Linkedin - Paul Rushing's Resume on Linkedin